Flexible Tubular Heaters

With a flexible tubular radiator, a product is available that can be easily bent into different shapes. Flexible tubular radiators are used to heat complex contours. The main areas of application are heating plates, welding beams and hot runner distribution beams.

  • Round shape Ø 6.5 mm and Ø 8.5 mm
  • Square Form 6 x 6 mm and 8 x 8 mm
  • Max length 2600 mm
  • Termination voltage from 12v to 400v
  • Heated length According to specification, unheated bendable range according to specification
  • Hermetically tight connection head possible
  • Single-Sided connection optional

Minimum bending radius Inside:
Ø6, 5mm = R 6, 5mm
Ø8, 5mm = R 10mm

unheated Length (non-bendable) = 30-40mm
High voltage fixed (cold) = 1000 V-ac
Performance tolerance = ± 10%

Product example

Flexible Tubular Heaters

Individual designs according to customer requirements

In metal block

Flexible Tubular Heaters




Tubular Heaters

Connection examples

Tubular Heaters

Screw-in nipple

Flex with screw-in nipple