Micanite Surface Heating Elements
The area of application of micanite surface heaters is everywhere where an area is to be heated evenly and effectively. Micanite surface heating elements are used in housekeeping appliance technology as well as in industry for a wide variety of use cases.
The field of applications range from coffee machine to the Space heating system for electric motors.
Working temperatures up to 450°C and surface loads up to 3.5 W/cm² are possible with optimum heat transfer.
Ceramic sectional heating mats can be manufactured both with and without metal edging, similar to Mikanit insulated panel heaters. The use of a metal surround provides additional protection against mechanical stress and allows the installation of metal connection housings. Another advantage is that the heating mats can be easily installed through mounting holes in the metal frame. This provides uniform and secure contact with the surface to be heated, ensuring optimum heat transfer. The use of an insulating fleece as an intermediate layer to the metal frame reduces rear radiation losses and optimizes the energy efficiency of the metal-faced ceramic panel heaters.
- Various connection cables (silicone, Teflon, glass silk, pearl-insulated Pure nickel strand) also flax terminal sleeve
- 2. Power level possible
- Recesses according to customer requirements
- Temperature limiter
- Temperature fuse
- Working temperature up to 450 °c/600 °c
- Metal Surround possible
- Punch-through fixed up to 1, 5KV
Product example
Individual designs according to customer requirements
Around 90°C Outlet
With metal surround
Surface Heating 120x25mm 100w
Heating wire Wrapped
Round side outlet
Micanite heating with metal edging
Ceramic heating up to 600°C flat
Ceramic up to 600°C in sheet steel jacket